Thursday, May 20, 2004

Sign I'm getting old?

On a lighter subject, I'm wondering about the more provacative messages on T-shirts worn by Israeli girls and women these days. Is this more prominent in Israel than in the U.S.? Does my raising this issue mean I'm growing more conservative as I age?

Just walk down Tel Aviv's trendy Sheinkin street for a sampling of the latest. Variations on the number 69 are always popular. (Why don't they just wear a shirt with an illustration of the sexual act itself?) "Kiss me if you can" is another one I saw recently. Usually it's girls in their teens wearing the apparel in question, but the other day I saw a woman who must have been in her 40s or early 50s with the following message: "Let me be your pink lady." What the hell is that supposed to mean? Weren't the pink ladies a Rydell High School group of girls in the film Grease? I was tempted to ask her, but was afraid she might take me up on the offer.