Sunday, November 14, 2004

Day after Arafat / Sign of the apacolypse

It seems everyone has an opinion about what Arafat's death means for the Middle East peace prospects. I don't claim to have any special insight here, but I was surprised by what I was told by an Israeli Arab professor I know.

When I told this professor that I wasn't convinced by the widespread prognostications of an improved situation in wake of Arafat's death, his response was:

"You'll be convinced, and how."

Sign of the apocalypse
I saw a woman wearing leg warmers. The sighting took place in Tel Aviv outside Beit Hachayal. I'm afraid this isn't the first time I've seen it. A few months earlier I saw a woman on Allenby Street also wearing leg warmers.

What are the odds?
I had a blind date tonight with a woman from Cupid, which is just another version of Jdate if you haven't heard of it.

We met near Beit Hachayal in Tel Aviv and walked to a cafe on Kikar Hamedina.

We sat a table next to another couple, and the woman from this other couple was someone I had met on Jdate and gone out with - only once. I was very mature and made every effort to avoid eye contact.

I told my date and she thought it was funny.