Saturday, January 22, 2005
Finally a halacha ruling on unibrow
If it's a source of embarassment,
the rabbi says pluck away.
I found the following on the Ask the Rabbi section of the Arutz 7 website:
What is the Halacha concerning someone who has a large "unibrow" (meaning his eyebrows grow straight across his face) is he allowed to wax/shave/tweeze the section in between the eyes? I know women definitely do it but how about men?
Since it brings me embarrassment since I have a large one, and not too many people do, therefore I feel different and embarrassed.
Men should not remove bodily hair for the sake of beautifying themselves like women do. But if it is not to beautify but to remove a body blemish that causes embarrassment one can rely on lenient opinions that permit the removal in such a case.
-Rabbi Elchanan Lewis